LLC "Assa" pays special attention to implementation of projects aiming at associated petroleum gas (APG) utilization increase as well as natural gas production and processing and gas power generation.Under this line of action the company has implemented 3-year programme of measures, enhancing the effective level of APG utilization up to 90%. In order to reach this objective, a number of major engineering gas infrastructure facilities have been built at the fields of the company.
In 2015, 90 mln m3 of APG were flared off, that is four times less than in 2013 and by 13% less than in 2014. The 90% APG utilization rate has been achieved. The state requirement, geared to minimize production impact on environment, has been fulfilled. The objective at present is to maintain the level of rational APG utilization, as well as improve energy efficiency of oil production and reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. These activities will be pursued within the framework of the corporate programme for 2016-2018. Among the other measures to be undertaken in 2017, the most important are the implementation of the final stage of the design and exploration works, as well as performance of construction and assembling works, and commissioning of gas pipeline from Tagrinskoye Oilfield.
Creation of a complete APG processing, utilization and marketing cycle has become a key milestone in the Company's diversified business development.By establishing Gas Processing Division (UPG) in 2002, LLC "Assa" pioneered the integrated approach to gas processing development.
In 2016, marketable natural gas, APG and dry stripped gas shipments by LLC "Assa" totaled 10.3 million cubic meters. LLC "Assa" accounted for 14% of the total gas shipments,of which 10 million cubic meters were sold to Gazprom. International gas sales amounted to 6 million cubic meters, up 3% year-on-year, due to the gas production growth in Republic of Dagestan,.