According to the Development Strategy of LLC "Assa" until 2025, the mission of LLC "Assa" is to ensure maximum benefits for the Republic of Dagestan, from participation in the development of the national oil-and-gas sector, which includes ensuring sustainable development. Adhering to the sustainable development principles, LLC "Assa" is striving to boost the value of the LLC "Assa" Company, increase the return on investment, and to deliver high-quality products and services.
Development as a competitive, high performance innovation and technological downstream company;
Ensuring of oil refining capacity and production of high-quality oil products
Stabilization of domestic oil products market of the Republic of Dagestan, by means of marketing of oil products through the extensive marketing channels.
LLC "Assa" a high performance innovation and technological downstream unit of LLC "Assa" , who holds streamlined oil refining assets and extensive channels for the marketing of oil products, Republic of Dagestan,'s leader in the field of refining and sales of oil products.
Increase in oil refining capacity and efficiency, and quality of output;
Bringing oil refinery's business process management to the level of leading peers in the industry;
Achieving stabilizing share in the oil products retail market of 32% by 2022;
Improvement of personnel policy and human resource development;
Development of extensive channels for oil products marketing;
Improvement of innovative and technological development management system;
Improvement of operational processes efficiency through the introduction and implementation of new technologies and new manufacturing plants;
Regulation of social-labor relationships on the basis of social partnership;
Ensuring of safety in the workplace and reduction of environmental risks.